While I refrain from being mushy as much as possible, I think I'm going to indulge it a bit with this post--although it's also probably one of my more boring posts.
Today was one of the most incredible days of my life--though I did not for one second anticipate that happening. I'm officially 20 weeks pregnant and today we went for our ultrasound. I was scared out of my mind, with fears of missing limbs--or something else serious being wrong. I basically woke up ready to vomit.
It was weird/creepy at first seeing that little "thing" move in there. The second the tech put that doppler thing on my stomach, the baby jumped. Then she went and measured and monitored every feature. I saw brain hemispheres, kidneys, bladder, and stomach. It's head is where I thought its feet were so this whole time when I've been feeling it, it has been its head and arms. (I'm sure this is boring the crap out of everyone reading this). It was a fiesty thing, moving about, turning back and forth, opening its mouth, lifting its arm in the air (well, in the fluid). The doctor said that this was the kind of ultrasound anybody would hope for. :)
The 3D thing was something I didn't think I'd like, but it was amazing. It became so real. I hated pregnancy so far because I have been terrified of everything going on, my boobs getting bigger, gaining weight, not knowing what's normal, etc. I've had to back down on workouts, spend money on clothes, and really cut back on the negative talk and my hypochondria. Right now, I don't care about any of that because there's a baby in there and this body of mine is charged with taking care of its body. I have stared at the pictures for pretty much the last 10 hours--and every time it's just as beautiful as the last. It's really a miracle, a miracle I didn't understand until now--God knows what I'll feel like when it actually arrives!
We've imagined what it will look like, how it will be, what we will all do together as a family.
I couldn't be more excited about what's going on now and the person with whom I'm sharing this experience with (my husband...who is my #1).
It's a life changer, really--and it's not even here.
I am incredibly blessed and I know it; I am thanking God pretty much every 5 seconds.
I'm too overwhelmed to really write and I've done a terrible job at capturing how I feel. Life is good and I think I smiled while showering.
P.s. we're raising it vegan (a very major decision between my husband and I... that we made quickly and easily)