Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Stomach. issues. are. not. fun.

Everything's been fine and dandy over here in vegan world, then BAM, out of the blue, pretty (well not so pretty) insane digestive issues popped up.  I thought I had a bug. No bug. I thought maybe I was pregnant? Nope, no baby. Sorry, mom and dad.

Instead, what I had were some digestive disturbances that were making me way cranky. What to do? Well, I waited it out and it did me no good. I figured that I must have a food allergy that's popping up.   Did I have a gluten allergy? Did I have a carageenan allergy? Did I have a soy allergy?  Worse, ahh, is this some crazy manifestation of cancer?

So I consulted with family first. Of course, I'm told that I need to start eating eggs.  Really? What the fuck is an egg going to do?  Then I was told to re-think my veganism.  Not an option right now. It's a little early in the game to be calling it quits.

Then, I consulted with someone who knows some shit.  She started dishing it out to me homeopathic style. She told me to think about the way I eat. Track my intake with a food diary and record how I feel. She also gave me a great tip about separating the fruit I eat from the rest of the food I eat.  Give it a good 20 minutes in between. Eat the fruit first, otherwise it just ferments on top of all that other shit in your body.

I took it a step further.  I started questioning what non-vegans do to regulate their systems. Act-iv-ia...(sing it like in the commerical) came to mind. Activia has probiotics. None of what I eat does.  Hmm, now I'm on to something.

(Enter stage left): Raw sauerkraut, wearing a leather jacket and bangle bracelets. Bad ass motherf'er raw sauerkraut. Raw sauerkraut, not cooked like yall do on new year's day, but cabbage and salt that ferments, is a real superfood. If you were a sailor and didn't want to be scurvy-licious, the good probiotics--the good bacteria--protected you on long voyages. It's pleasant on the stomach too. Fermentation makes vegetables easier to digest.

So far so good. Raw sauerkraut is helping. Separating my fruit intake is helping. Any other tips out there folks?

P.s. I've been eating Bubbie's raw sauerkraut. It's delicious. I literally guzzle the brine and make those probiotics my bitch!

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