I haven't blogged in a while. I feel like Holden in Chasing Amy who says he hasn't had anything personal to say. Like Silent Bob, I'll briefly break my silence--but I'll also promise you that what I say won't be mind blowing.
I've been vegan for over 6 months now. I'm alive, I'm healthy, I'm working out and making gains, I'm maintaining a healthy weight, I'm getting enough protein, etc. Now am I ripped? Are my abs lean, am I cut, am I freakin tight? No. Rest assured it has nothing to do with my diet; It's because I don't give two shits about looking like a fitness model. I have neither the time nor the ambition (but applaud those that do).
I think about how 6 months ago naysayers questioned when I would plateau. I plateaued just like everyone else. And like everyone else, I fought through it and came out stronger. Bring it.
Which reminds me: I didn't go vegan for fitness or looks. I went vegan for compassion. Everyday that I don't eat animal products is a commitment that I am making to the earth and to my soul. I'm hoping that my commitment inspires a commitment in others, even just one person, to try to go vegan. If you can open your heart to it, I promise it will be a fulfilling journey.
Told you I didn't have much to say.
Same here! If you're on facebook, let's connect... www.facebook.com/kershaw