Thursday, May 24, 2012


No, this isn't about the mary jane or ky. It's about rain.

Tonight I went outside in the rain and stood in it. I don't even know why. But it felt fantastic, like being a kid again with zero cares. The air was warm, the rain was heavy and steady, I was in my flip flops and I didn't give a shit at all. I remember jumping around in puddles when I was a kid like a lunatic, barefoot, silly, by myself, and totally at peace.

How many of us are afraid to get our feet wet, who run through the rain trying to get out of it?  In life, we ironically spend all this time trying to avoid the one thing that might make us feel pretty fantastic.

Moral: Go get out there in the rain. Enjoy it. Grab a kite.

Hell, go crazy and put a key on the end of it.

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