Wednesday, May 2, 2012

twenty nine bottles of beer on the wall

It's the last day of my twenties and it's really got me thinking. I think I was a bit upset at first (is that an understatement?) but I have to admit that this was the best year of my life.  I can qualify that statement with a chain of events that really began in the last 6 months of 2011. (WTF was I doing the first 6 months, I don't know).

  • It all started with my new job this year, which I love and which suits me perfectly and at which I met hilariously awesome people
  • which led me to crossfit, where I not only met hilariously awesome people who changed my fitness goals and perspective on female body image
  • which led me to meet someone who proved that I too could be vegan & strong
  • which led me to going vegan for 30 days through Peace Advocacy Network
  • which led me to going fully vegan and reshaping the definition of who I wanted to be
  • which led me to my personal definition of social responsibility
  • which led me to volunteer work with organizations that mean a lot to me
  • which led me to an overall sense of satiety with the direction of my life
I've broken some barriers and learned to let go. I've put me first. I've made conscious decisions about who I want to be and what I want my mark to be. I've tried new things and was pleasantly surprised. I failed,  but learned. I've been unapologetic, yet careful. I kept old dear friends and made new dear friends. I've laughed more than ever. I've been psycho migraine free. I've started writing again. I've managed not to acquire another cat.

I doubt ten years ago that this would be where I would picture myself (well 3 cats, maybe), but that matters not: this is where I'm supposed to be.

Thanks to everyone in my life--the oldies but goodies, and the much cherished newbies. Dirty thirty will be even better because of you.  So, put one up and throw away that cup, thirty bottles of beer on the wall.... (I'm not a drinker, people)


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