Thursday, February 9, 2012

Vegan Pledge who cares: cupid, horses, and a crush it truck

Dude. I'm feeling good. I'm feelin' so good that I am going to forget today's wod and how I couldn't drive the "crush it truck" through those dubz. I also wimped out on the weight today because I couldn't get the form right.  But I'm still feelin' good and I'm okay with brushin' it off. I'll dominate it next time, self, I promise. :)

I think I want to set the record straight to my fellow carnivorous friends. Guess what? I like you! I really do. The other day a friend said "I have to eat meat " and then threw a genuine "sorry" in there. I wanted to hug this person and say "it's cool, dude!-- You're a good person and I'm not judging you." Cause I'm not. A few posts ago I got all crazy and judgmental for a hot minute, but after what I watched at vegan church, I was passionate and upset. Can we agree to forget about those psycho posts?  I'm not saddling up the high horse! long as you promise not to eat the horse meat.

What did I learn though? High and mighty makes you low and lonely.  In everything you do...whether it be at work, at a wod, or at the dinner table. Gotta keep it cool.  After all, we're in the month of love--let's make sure we remember that!

I'm waiting for a that little nekkid Cupid to hit my love and myself with an arrow.  I dare Cupid to try to land that arrow in my rock solid crossfit ass  (i wish!).  I'd either like a vitamix (not gonna happen) or a nook from Mr. Cupid.  Truth is we're probably not going to do much of anything since the hubs has a liver contusion from sparring; the meds aren't working and he can't sleep at night due to pain. He's miserable and I think if Cupid showed up, he'd punch Cupid in his chubby face.  And I'm okay with him punching a flying creepy cherubim baby, as long as the nook doesn't get broken.

Signing off.

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