Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hippie Soap

A dark red rash all over one's arms is super sexy, right?  Grr, my hippie soap gave me a dark itchy rash.  Now while it was only all over my arms is due to the fact that midway through washing, I decided for some reason to switch back over to my olive oil soap.  The odd thing is that the soap was oatmeal based--you know, oatmeal...the thing that they tell you to use on a freakin rash.  Two benadryls later I was passed out, blissfully unaware of my welty arms.  Let's just say thank God I didn't use the hippie soap on all those other bits and pieces of the body.... Afterwards, I tried to use coconut oil as my cure-all, but that didn't really work and yes, against my dogma, I went straight for the chemically laden Aveeno. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

The moral of the story is: when you switch to a new soap, don't scrub those hard to reach places.  Go for the arms, test it out there first, then try again the next day. After all, you really don't want it to look like you've got the herps.

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