Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Vegan Pledge Day 3: Ice, Ice Babyshit

Well, since only my facebook friends read this, you all know that I was rear-ended today and I'm ice-ice-babying my neck since it hurts.  motherf'er. And you all also know that I was planning on rx'ing those pull-ups tonight.  again, motherf'er.  So how does this relate to veganism? It doesn't. I just wanted to bitch and reconfirm that I swear that last night I strung 3 pull-ups together. Anyway.

What does relate to veganism is that the hot cop who came to take the accident information was a vegan.  He saw some vegan paperwork laying next to me in the passenger seat and asked about it.  How great is that? And you know what's even greater? That's a total bullshit story I just made up.  What really happened is that I silently prayed-- as the cop was leaning in my window asking me questions-- that he wouldn't notice the cup of green smoothie baby shit in my cup holder.   

Lesson learned: you have days where you're proud to be vegan--and days when you're not so proud because it has the potential to make you look weird, but you gotta get over it, get in the car,  and keep drinkin that green baby shit (too cold, too cold...)

Word to your mother.

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