Thursday, January 12, 2012

Vegan Pledge Day 5: I really don't want to vomit on you

I forgot my sneakers on a really hard wod (workout of the day) today and rocked my terribly cool lettuce-colored socks at the box.  On my last round of knees to elbows on that pull-up bar, I could taste it: the hummus-avocado-tomato-cucumber-collard wrap (and that means collard greens were the actual wrap part, not in the wrap) was coming up. Not because it was particularly gross, but because I was particularly fatigued--most likely a bit calorically deficient--working to failure, and there was a part of me that I had to silence: the part that said "just quit."

Instead, I mustered the breath to say to my fellow crossfitter "I really don't want to vomit on you." Cause I didn't. I can't imagine how cucumber and hummus looks on the way back up.  The response was simple, "you can do it, 5 more reps," and my fellow cf'er proceeded to count the reps and follow me through on finishing.

That show of support in a wod is just natural to the crossfit community to which I belong, yet I still find myself taken aback at times. I can't believe that you're all really rooting for me, but doggone it, you really are. You like me, you really like me!  Look, I'm neither the best nor the worst cf'er.  I struggle with any wod that requires upper body strength, yet before each and every wod, my comrades assure me that I can "crush it"--and the strange thing is, they really mean it. I don't believe it, but they believe in me.

This support has translated itself to my veganism.  If I look at the majority of blog responses on my facebook, its the crossfit community, friends I've known for only 3 months, telling me to "hang in there" while I'm detoxing in this diet, and then the next time they see me, asking me if I'm doing better, and really caring to know the answer and how I feel, and more than willing to share their experience with whatever change they've done!  It's the person saying, give me a call anytime-- I can help you with this, it's tough, but live it, love it and embrace it! It's the person who says, "you can do it, really, you just lack confidence--and we'll work to build it up." Or here's a vegan mexican chocolate muffin recipe-this should satisfy that sweet tooth (that's from a non crossfitter that I gots to show some love for!)

So I'm standing at the intersection of crossfit and veganism (please God don't let someone slam into the back of my car)--and who do I see? Someone who's here to build you up, someone who's here to count your reps, share a dietary anecdote, share a recipe,  advice and laughter.  Someone who is willing to risk a little vomit so that they can help you succeed because that's what matters most.

Thank you, my dear friends. I'll risk some vomit for you so you can get that muscle-up, chest to bar, or handstand push-up, anytime.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Chrissy. I knew you'd be able to scrape up some content somewhere...
